Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Did You That Thing I Sentcha, Biz? [New Hires]

image Word comes via the Twitter Blog today that they’ve made a new hire, another one that has a sharp eye on how the quickly exploding status micro-blogging service can make some money, mostly with respect to the mobile business.

At first, I took it as a sign that I’d been passed over for that position I applied for a few weeks ago, the product manager position that everyone was talking about just before Christmas (you know, the one that finally said to the world “we’re serious about making some money.”). I’m happy, that upon further reading, I’m finding that the job I originally applied for is still open.

As most of you know, I’m currently gig-less. It was serendipitous, I thought, that the position opened up on almost the same exact day that I became a free agent.  I figured they were actually creating a position for me over there, and didn’t have my number, so the only way they could get my attention was to get everyone else in the blogosphere to forward me the job opening (something that happened about six times, actually).

For those of you who’ve just read my stuff at the various places I’ve posted in the past, while you know that I’ve certainly got quite a few opinions on how to monetize Twitter and an intimate familiarity with the service, you may not know that I’m also a qualified veteran of startup executive management. I’ve been a C<insert-letter>O of no less than five startups in the last several years, at least two of which had yearly revenue in the millions.

What Would I Do for Twitter?
image If you’re interested in all that stuff, though, you’d be at my LinkedIn profile. I’ve talked about a number of ways to monetize Twitter, and certainly the new guy, Kevin Thau, looks like he might have an inside track on how to do that on the mobile level.  I worked on the SMS spec back in 1999, but that doesn’t make me an expert personally on how to create carrier relationships that benefit the content aggregator, so I don’t presume to know more than Kevin in that area (though I do have a number of friends who are absolute experts in that part of the business).

My experience and interest lies in the content side of things.  Twitter has become a conversational tool, in the sense that IM is a conversational tool.  Still, it still has a ton of aspects that still bear striking similarities to it’s original intent, which is as a type of blogging utility.

In that sense, I’ve extensively case-studied a number of different ways to leverage branding and tight knit “tribes,” as Godin calls them, to get a bit of cash and monetization out of it on the user level.

To that end, if I’m able to find angles that make Twitter a worthwhile activity on the user level (for the user) monetarily, replicating that out to the rest of the community shouldn’t be that big of a struggle.

Without going into a 30-page treatise, a lot of my ideas revolve around the same thoughts that YouTube has involved with their Partner Program, and I’ve expounded on these principles many times in the past.

How Serious is this Post?
I’ve occasionally written a tongue-in-cheek post, so you may be wondering how serious I am about asking for this job.  The truth is, I live in Texas and I’m not looking to re-locate. This job is, presumably, not a telecommute job.

On the other hand I do have a few jobs that, even though I’ve got some good projects going and opportunities I’m closing in on, I think I’d drop just about everything else for, and making Twitter profitable is one of those jobs.

I’m definitely outside the bubble, though. The Twitter guys know who I am (we conversed several times in blog comments), but I don’t know them or most of the Silicon Valley circle well enough to say that I’d have a real shot at the job.

So on the seriousness level, I’d say this post ranks about a six or seven of ten. I’d like the job, and I’d make the effort to convince my family it’s worth uprooting us and heading West for. I’m not banking on it though, and won’t be heartbroken should someone else get the job.

I will seriously consider, should I not get the job, selling all future blogposts on Twitter monetization to Twitter as eBooks – no more free advice!

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